We provide expert services and support to all CTU faculties in the field of Intellectual Property and its commercialization.
Patent centre
The Patent Centre unifies Intellectual Property protection agenda and Technology Transfer with the purpose of rendering the operation more efficient and the transfer of knowledge and research results into practice more successful.
The introduction of Intellectual Property into commercial practice does not only mean financial gain for the originator and the university but also the affirmation of CTU´s position as an institution closely interconnecting studies, research and commercial application.
InQbay incubator
InQbay is a platform for students, researchers, new businesses and industry partners that focuses on Deep Tech and other areas. We intertwine theory and praxis, student ideas, the academic and the business worlds.
Technology Transfer

Technology Transfer brochure
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Technology Transfer Tab
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Technology Transfer brochure
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Technology Transfer Tab
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It’s easier than it seems.
Our colleagues and experts in intellectual property protection and commercialization will guide you through the entire process of technology transfer from the beginning to the end: from the idea to its commercialization. We provide professional service and support to all faculties, departments and inventors at ctu. We can help you with intellectual property management, protection and application in the czech republic and abroad.
Successful commercializations

System for storing and managing safety data
Complexe software and methodology for storing and managing data in air travel based on ontological and conceptual framework.
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The Knowledge Management System is based on gathering and managing safety data using principles of ontological and conceptual framework. The startup AKAENE Partners, s.r.o. (Ltd) licensed this product (know-how) which originated as an interfaculty cooperation between the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Transportation Sciences.
It´s significance is crucial in creating and evaluating system measures related to increase in safety in air travel. The research products are being used by the Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic, Václav Havel Airport Prague and Czech Airlines Technics. The commercialization took the form of a non-exclusive license to use Industrial Property with CTU´s share in the benefits and potential sale/business investment.
Another collaboration with CTU is currently taking place under the terms of cooperative research. The AKAENE company expressed interest in signing another licensing agreement regarding software created under the cooperative research.

Asphalt mixture testing
The uniaxial shear tester for measuring asphalt mixtures can calculate the material characteristics of the tested asphalt mixture based on the deformation in a standard tester.
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The uniaxial shear tester for measuring asphalt mixtures was developed during a study course of an academia member from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the University of California and the newly created intellectual property (patent) is shared by CTU and the previously mentioned university.
The device can calculate material characteristics of the tested asphalt mixture based on the deformation in a standard testing device.
The commercialization happened via the prototype sale including know-how support of the University of Waterloo in Canada. Negotiations about further sales and production in several other countries are currently taking place.

Mobile barriers
The mobile ballistic system enables a fast deployment and movement of highly resistant safety barriers used in zones of sudden or temporary safety risk.
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The mobile ballistic system based on a cementitious composite licensed to the company MOB-Bars, s.r.o. (Ltd) was developed in collaborative research with the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The system enables a fast deployment and movement of highly resistant safety barriers used in zones of sudden or temporary safety risk.
Testing of the prototypes takes place in cooperation with the Police and Army of the Czech Republic. The mobile barriers are already being used by the Police of the Czech Republic and the company ČEPS. They are also being used by the Army of the Czech Republic during the training of protection of critical infrastructure in Czech Republic. MOB-Bars is expanding into other countries: RSA, Colombia, Turkey, Guinea-Bissau, Burkina Faso and others.
The commercialization went through an exclusive license on further development with profit shares for CTU for the next three years. The MOB-Bars company´s research cooperation with CTU continues, its result being the creation of another intellectual property that the company is interested in licensing.

DBH Technologies
Spray Dryer and Production Mechanism of Nanostructured or Microstructured Materials and their Production Device.
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The Department of Technology Transfer signed two new contracts with DBH Technologies s.r.o. (Ltd) founded by a team of scientists and engineers who have extensive experience in the development of food technology and applications. At the same time DBH invests in the development and production of its own processing technologies that change the way people are receiving nutrients.
The first licence agreement was concluded for the „Spray Dryer“ technology developed based on an internal proof of concept project Device Optimization of the Drying of Organic Material by Atomization of Pressurized Carbone Dioxide financed from the TAČR Gama PP1 2015TB02010033 program. The dryer enables the drying of organic and inorganic materials resulting in a large scale of nanostructure or microstructure forms of particle or fiber type including diverse composite structures.
The second licence agreement was concluded on know-how. „Production Mechanism of Nanostructured or Microstructured Materials and their Production Device“ developed based on an internal proof of concept project. Competitive mechanical engineering for InovaSEED reg. CZ.1.05/3.1.00/14.0305 under the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovations priority 3.1 – Commercialization of research organization results and protection of their intellectual property.
We are glad to have managed to conclude a licencing agreement not only on the technology itself but also to the accompanying know-how. By this example we confirm our long-term strategy focusing not only on the commercialization of technological solutions but also on the related knowledge acquired during its development. DBH continues to co-operate with CTU on the development of new innovative solutions and believes that this collaboration will result in the licencing of other solutions in the future as well.
A licensee sought for a special device for asphalt pavement shear properties testing
A licensee sought for a special device for exciting stringed tensometric sensors
Concrete road barrier preventing vehicle ramming attack available for licensing
A special device for automatic testing of control transformers offered for licensing
Device for automatic testing of power capacitors offered for licensing
Mobile orthosis cooling system offered for licensing
Our projects
The international Czech-Israel Partnership Accelerator program outlines as much as possible the reality and actual demands of the contemporary business world to students. Student teams from two technical universities – CTU in Prague and Technion are working on solving real assignments from the industry under the leadership of experts taking on the role of mentors from commercial practice. The program supports students´ creativity, innovative approach and acquiring of business abilities.
OPRDE – Expert preparation for an efficient Technology Transfer at CTU
The main purpose of the project is to support human resources development in scientific knowledge in the Centre for Technology Transfer (CTT) at CTU. Partial goals and activities reflect four problematic areas which are preventing CTT in becoming a respected partner to researchers and industry representatives. After the completion of this project, CTU will be at the top of the Technology Transfer field in the Czech Republic and it´s rating at an international level will greatly improve.
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Start date of the project: 1. 2. 2017
Completion date of the project: 31. 7. 2020
Operational Programme: Research, Development and Education (OPRDE)
Priority Axis: Priority Axis 2 – Development of higher education institutions and human resources for research and development
Investment priority: Improving the quality and efficiency and access to tertiary and equivalent education, especially in the case of disadvantaged groups in order to increase participation and the level of achieved education
Registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_014/0000650
Approved amount of financial support (in CZK): 33 119 136,98
Project „Supporting expert capacity for effective technology transfer at CTU“ is co‑financed by European Union.
Developing a cooperation with UMass-Lowell in the USA
CTU TTO team meets with management and colleagues at UMass-Lowell to continue development of cooperation.
The Mobility in Smart Cities Conference
The Mobility in Smart Cities Conference (Čistá mobilita v chytrých městech) will be held at the eSalon as an opening event on 14th November 2019. The program of the event can be found at...
CTU students in the winning team of the ČEZ Innovation Marathon
CTU students joined the ČEZ Innovation Marathon on November 7th, where they invented innovative solutions in the fields of energy, transport, food, health, accommodation or entertainment for the...
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Project CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_014/0000650 „Supporting expert capacity for effective technology transfer at CTU“ is co‑financed by European Union.